General Description
Policy Content
In order to properly assess and report sales tax on all goods sold, and on printed, re-printed or duplicated books, workbooks or teaching materials, all sales to students will be made through the Bookstore. Departments are to coordinate the sale of these teaching materials with the Bookstore Manager.
No copyrighted materials will be sold under any circumstance without the written and signed release from the publisher. It is the responsibility of the person requesting the sale of these items to obtain the publisher's release. No exceptions will be made.
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 7/25/2019 8:12 AM | Holly Warfel |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |