General Description
Policy Summary:
This policy sets forth Trinity University’s residential hall and residential life common space expectations for all members of the campus community to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
This policy is intended to communicate the Residential Hall and Common Space policy.
This policy applies to all students, staff, faculty and any person present on Trinity University campus.
Policy Content
Trinity University expects members of the campus community to follow Trinity University policies, and the Trinity University Health Pledge while residing on campus. These policies are in effect until otherwise modified or rescinded.
Students residing on campus may have guests from within their own building as follows:
● Lower Campus: Students who reside on the main campus may have one guest per room, in addition to the resident(s) of the room. The resident and their guest must remain within the resident’s room and may not enter another resident’s room as a group.
● City Vista: Students in City Vista may have one guest per unit (not per bedroom). The resident and their guest must remain within the resident’s unit and may not enter another resident’s unit as a group.
Students with a guest must abide by the COVID-19 Policy on Protective Behavior. All other visitors are restricted.
Residents are permitted to utilize the residential hall common spaces such as kitchens and lounges (if open). To limit exposure, residents must reside in the building for the common space, or have a reasonable need to utilize the common space. Residents must also abide by the Trinity University COVID-19 policy on Protective Behavior when using common spaces.
Students may sit at designated tables inside Mabee Dining Hall and outdoor seating. Students must abide by the posted occupancy signs. Students are not permitted to move tables or chairs from their designated spaces.
Students who are walking together outside or are gathering and not social distancing will be required to wear masks on campus.
Students are expected to comply with policies and requests by staff in high traffic areas, including, but not limited to:
Coates Student Center
Coates Library
Bell Center
Residential Living and working spaces
Mabee Hall and Commons
Any member of the Trinity University campus community or external person may report alleged COVID-19 policy infractions through this link, also found on the Dean of Students webpage. Residential Life staff members are required to document all possible violations within the residence halls and inform students when they are doing so.
Reports of alleged policy infractions are forwarded to the Dean of Students office. For more information on conduct policies and procedures, please visit the Dean of Students conduct webpage.
Students reported to be engaging in violation of this policy, the COVID-19 Policy on Protective Behavior, and/or any other COVID-19 policy are subject to immediate temporary or permanent removal from the residence halls, as outlined in the 2020-2021 Residence Hall Licence Agreement, and the 2020-2021 City Vista License Agreement, under authority under the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Students found responsible for violating the Residential Hall & Common Space Policy, the COVID-19 Policy on Protective Behavior, and/or any other COVID-19 policy are also subject to sanctions under the established processes in the Dean of Students Office, including but not limited to the following sanctions:
● Temporary or permanent removal from the residence halls (housing refunds if removed are not provided)
● Sanction statuses ranging from Warning to Expulsion
● Fines
● Parent Notification
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v2.0 | 2/8/2021 12:41 PM | Sheryl Tynes |
v1.0 | 1/12/2021 4:36 PM | Christina Castillo |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Sheryl Tynes | Vice President for Student Life |