General Description
Policy Summary:
All contractor and supplier selection processes shall promote fair and open competition and shall be conducted in accordance with University Regulations and Texas Statutes. All contractor and supplier selection processes shall be free of conflict of interest, undue influence, and favoritism so that contracts are awarded equitably and economically. Information Technology Services will provide management and oversight over the procurement of technology related commodities and contractual services, working together Trinity Procurement Offices, Risk Management and Security organization.
No staff member or manager can sign a legal agreement (contract) unless they have the required authority (refer to RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures) and subject to the consultative and/or approval requirements set out in this Policy and related Procedures.
Within this Policy, the terms “Trinity University” & “Trinity” may be used interchangeably.
Trinity relies on technology products, systems and services provided by a variety of vendors, including hardware and software vendors, consulting firms, technology and telecommunication services, and support personnel. It is ultimately the duty of management to ensure:
- Each vendor relationship supports the overall business requirements and strategic plans.
- The business or functional leader has sufficient expertise to oversee and manage the relationship.
- The business or functional leader has evaluated prospective vendors based on the scope and criticality of the procured service and products.
- The risks associated with the use of the vendor are fully assessed and understood.
- The appropriate oversight program is in place to monitor contractual performance and risk mitigation activities.
Competitive solicitations for the procurement of Technology, Technology services and related professional services (Consulting, Licensing, etc.) are based only upon qualifications of the firms responding, and competitive selection committees shall determine and select the most qualified firm(s).
Additionally, compliance with the stated policy and supporting procedures helps ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of University’s system components.
This policy and supporting procedures applicable to all system components that are owned, operated, maintained, and controlled by the University and all other system components, both internally and externally, that interact with these systems. All University-Related Persons with access to University Information or computers and systems operated or maintained on behalf of the University are responsible for adhering to this policy
- Internal system components are those owned, operated, maintained, and controlled by Trinity University and include all network devices (firewalls, routers, switches, load balancers, other network devices), servers (both physical and virtual servers, along with the operating systems and the underlying application(s) that reside on them) and any other system components deemed in scope.
- External system components are those owned, operated, maintained, and controlled by any entity other than Trinity University, but for which such external resources may impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) and overall security of the description of "Internal system components".
- Trinity applications and systems must be configured to conform as closely as possible to these requirements within the Trinity systems or application’s capabilities. For those systems or applications that do not have the capability of enforcing the security controls mentioned in this policy, an exception must be documented with by written permission from the authorized personnel.
Policy Content
Management Commitment | Responsibilities include providing overall direction, guidance, leadership, and support for the entire information systems environment, while also assisting other applicable personnel in their day-to-day operations. The Chief Information Officer CIO is to report to other members of senior management on a regular basis regarding all aspects of the organization’s information systems posture. |
Internal Employees, Academic Community and Users | Responsibilities include adhering to the organization’s information security policies, procedures, practices, and not undertaking any measure to alter such standards on any Trinity University system components. Additionally, end users are to report instances of non-compliance to senior authorities, specifically those by other users. End users – while undertaking day-to-day operations – may also notice issues that could impede the safety and security of Trinity system components and are to also report such instance immediately to senior authorities. |
Vendors, Contractors, another Workforce | Responsibilities for such individuals and organizations are much like those stated for end users: adhering to the organization’s information security policies, procedures, practices, and not undertaking any measure to alter such standards on any such system components. |
ITS Business Affairs Unit | Responsible for ensuring that the ITS sourcing strategy is aligned to University objectives. Evaluate classifications for existing suppliers annually with support from Contract Owners. prepare multiple reports based on CIO needs in order to monitor overall ITS TU Technology performance |
Contract Managers | Manage the vendor relationship. Evaluate vendor’s product and services, negotiate pricing and contract terms with support of ITS respective groups, in line with established policies and procedures. Are responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risk activities; and implementing controls consistent with University’s Practices. |
ITS Managers | Support Contract Managers with the selection and evaluation of technology and during discussions with vendors if required. |
Information Security | Assists in supporting supplier risk management by completing the Data Security Assessment and Security Analysis Questionnaire for compliance with ITS security requirements. |
Risk Management | Assists in supporting the supplier risk management by ensure compliance with internal policies / external regulations. |
- Cost Reductions:
- Price Decreases through Consolidated Purchases and Increased Negotiating Power
- Supplier Development:
- Lead Time reductions
- Quality Improvements
- Supplier Design Support
- Inventory Reductions
- Evaluation of Current Supply Base
- ITS determine the Number of Suppliers and break them down by Commodity. Skills should be evaluated as well as their performance within the university.
- Determine the Type of Supply Base Needed
- Look for suppliers that are Fast and Flexible, that take advantage of innovation and are good communicators.
- Classify Suppliers by criticality
- Plan the Project
- Plan with your internal customers in mind. Do not forget of Transaction costs and leverage on opportunities.
- Design support needed to succeed with the supplier that will stay providing the University technology needs.
Strategic: Strategic supplier are those that account for a considerable amount of business (60-80%), demonstrate loyalty to their partners (exclusivity, limited distribution), are easy to do business with, and provide both growth and profitability.
Operational: Operational supplier are those that provide services to the University, managing the inner workings of our business so it runs as efficiently as possible. Whether the supplier provides products or services, the business unit owner must oversee and closely monitor the supplier relationship.
Tactical: These suppliers are important, but minimally impactful in comparison to strategic or operational vendors. Potentially high in spend, but short in duration.
Commodity: Non-critical to University operations, where if a break in the supply chain occurred, there would be little or no consequences to maintaining service levels and customer service.
The criticality for new suppliers being on-boarded will be determined by the contracting party. All classifications for existing suppliers will be annually assessed by the ITS Business Affairs Unit with support from the contracting organization or Contract Manager.
The following risks are to be assessed regarding contractual relationships entered with suppliers:
Strategic Risk: Risk of failing to implement or achieve planned business goals, objectives, or initiatives. Inability to address the fundamentals required to execute the agreed strategy, as evidenced by deviations from business plans.
Compliance Risk: Risks arising from violations of applicable laws, rules, regulatory mandates, and along with other issues, such as non-compliance of operational, and information security policies, procedures, and processes.
Operational Risk: Risks from a failed system of operational internal controls relating to relevant policies, procedures, and practices. Specifically, failures associated with processes, systems, or people.
Financial Risk: Risks related to the financial condition of the third-party vendors, such as any “going concern” issues, or a vendor under the threat of liquidation in the foreseeable future.
Reputation Risk: Risks of negative public perception and opinion, such as unethical business practices, data breaches resulting in loss of sensitive and confidential consumer information.
Technology Risk: Risks from any number of information technology and information governance and security issues, including inadequate resources (hardware, software, or manpower).
Country Risk: Risks arising from the political, economic, and social landscape and other relevant events within a foreign country that can impact the services provided by vendors, ultimately affecting Trinity University operations.
Environmental, Social and Governance Risk: Risks related to climate change impacts, environmental practices, and duty of care, working and safety condition, respect for human rights, and compliance with laws and regulations.
The risk should be assessed and mitigated during the stages of the Technology and Supplier Selection process;

- Maximize the value of the vendor spend and reduce cost.
- Streamline the procurement process.
- Obtain an expert understanding of our suppliers and the supplier market.
- Build strong, trustworthy relationships with existing and new suppliers.
- Ensure supplier relationships comply with all internal policies and external laws and regulations.
The Contract Manager needs to follow the next steps or phases:
- The commodity and quantity needed,
- Quality level,
- Delivery location, and
- Time frame in which the commodity is needed.
- All parties directly or indirectly involved with the vendor or use the contracted services.
- The subsequent supporting steps to facilitate the solicitation, due diligence, and selection
- The documentation needed to ensure that the service or products procured meet Trinity University’s requirements.
- Any technical expertise required to complete the procuring and on-boarding process.
- Description of the objectives, scope, and nature of the work to be performed,
- Expected service levels,
- Key performance indicators (KPI’s) to be measured against,
- Delivery timelines,
- Change controls,
- Financial penalties around poor service,
- A schedule including any fees,
- The selection criteria and
- The procedures for requesting additional information.
Is recommended for the Contract Manager to gather competitive bids from at least 3 sources to mitigate the risk of potential or perceived conflicts of interest.
- Existence and corporate history. Vendor’s business history and market share for a given service.
- Qualifications, backgrounds, and reputations of company principals, including criminal background checks where appropriate.
- Vendor’s reputation and past performance with similar business partners.
- Financial Condition: Obtain the audited financial statements for review by Corporate Finance (during their Vendor Validation process).
- Reputation.
- Review year-end financial statements for litigation disclosures, past and any pending litigation.
- Internal control environment.
- Consider reviewing audit reports, internal control evaluations and assessments of the third parties. If applicable obtain their most recent Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) report.
- Legal and compliance including any regulatory actions and/or anti-bribery corruption risk.
- Reliance on and success in dealing with third party service providers.
- Insurance coverage.
- Ensure that the vendor has sufficient coverage to insure against losses due to dishonest acts, and liability coverage for losses due to negligent acts in an amount of the potential exposure to risk.
- Ability to meet disaster recovery and business continuity requirements.
Once a potential supplier has been pre-selected, the Contract Manager will complete the Technology Acquisition Form, which includes their Supplier recommendation and business case. It is recommended to include a copy of the most competitive bids/quotes of Suppliers participating to add transparency to the process. Contract Manager will follow the steps detailed on the Technology Acquisition Procedure.
Contract Manager needs to ensure that all individuals involved on the approval process are aware of their Authorized approval limits (CAPEX and OPEX) established by Trinity University and documented on the BUSO-0031 Purchasing Policy and Procedures.
- Security Assessment: The type of security surveys completed will be driven by criticality and the inherent risk for the university. The evaluation of security risk will align to financial, operational, compliance/legal, strategic and information security risk factors. Criticality will also be the driver.
- If University data is accessible by, shared with, or stored by an Outside Party, request that the Outside Party submit a SOC 2 Report and complete the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) for ITS review.
- If University data is accessible by, shared with, or stored by an Outside Party request that the Outside Party sign Trinity’s Confidentiality Agreement.
- If the contract involves non-public information, Supplier will be required to complete a HECVAT questionnaire and / or a SIG Questionnaire.
- If it is a renewal and includes handling new non-public information, the Supplier only needs to update its most recent questionnaire copy on file.
- If the contract is for a SaaS (Software as a Service) or Cloud Service, the supplier will be required to complete a SOC2 Report for Cloud Services.
- If University data is accessible by, shared with, or stored by an Outside Party, request that the Outside Party submit a SOC 2 Report and complete the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) for ITS review.
- Risk Management Assessment: A pre-contract risk assessment will be completed by the University Risk Management Organization, leveraging the information collected from the proposal, and due diligence. Please refer to the RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures for more detail information
Contract Manager will follow the steps detailed on the Technology Acquisition Procedure when is time to proceed with the actual generation of the Purchase Order.
- Trinity has developed Contract Templates that should be used whenever possible when entering into a contract with an outside party. Please refer to the RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures to get access to those templates, based on the type of contract.
- If the university's templates are used, and no changes are made to the contract language, then no review by Risk Management and Insurance Organization is necessary, expediting the process. These templates contain the necessary language to protect and minimize the risk exposure of the University and of employees entering into the contract if no changes are made.
- Contract Storage and Records Management: All Technology Contracts and related documentation must be kept and stored by the Risk Management and Insurance Organization. ITS Business Affairs Unit will keep an electronic version stored on their centralized files. Contracts will be accessible only to those with a business need. The contracts will be maintained in a central repository in accordance with the Risk Management and Insurance Organization’s record management retention policy to ensure compliance with regulatory document retention requirements. Please refer to the RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures for more detail information.
- New Contractual Agreements: The first review of all contracts, whether on established University Contract Templates or on an Outside Party's contract, should be conducted by the department or individual entering into the contract (Contract Manager). Often contracts are department or technology specific and only the Contract Manager responsible for the negotiations with the Supplier will know if the terms and details of the contract are as agreed upon. Please refer to the RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures for details.
- Expiry, Modify, and Renew: Contracts approaching their expiration date will be flagged for review 6 months in advance the notice period to amend, modify, extend, or renew the original agreement. It is the responsibility of the Contract Manager to complete any due diligence and/or vendor risk assessment prior to renewal. If the contract is not modified, extended, or renewed before the expiration date, the contracting process is repeated. Please refer to the RISK-0007 Contract Policy and Procedures for more detail information.
- Termination: Termination may be required when a contract expires, the terms of the contract have been satisfied, in response to contract default, or due to changes in business strategy. In the event of planned or eminent termination, the contract sponsor should consider the following:
- Capabilities, cost, resources, and time frame to transition the activity.
- Risks associated with data retention and destruction, Information System IS connections, access controls or other transition issues.
- Handling of any joint Intellectual Property rights developed during the relationship.
- Any possible reputational risk arising from contract disputes or performance issues.
- Totals spend by vendor
- Spend by category
- Totals spend v. budget
- Spend for vendors (contract/no contract)
- Spending by ITS Cost Center, or ITS Budgets
- Spend by vendor type
- Advance data-driven strategic sourcing
- Full visibility of spend
- Identify cost savings opportunities
- Align and streamline procurement process
- Manage vendor risk and “rogue” spending
- Enhance vendor performance
- Improve vendor relationship management
- Leverage spend data across business units
- Vendor Relationship Oversight
- Service Level Agreements
- Quality of Services
- Contract Terms
- Billings and Disbursements
Performance Evaluation
Consequences of Policy Violation:
- Loss of university computing, email and/or voice mail privileges.
- Disconnection from the residential hall internet network.
- University judicial sanctions as prescribed by the student code of conduct.
- Reassignment or removal from university housing and/or suspension or expulsion from the university.
- Prosecution under applicable civil or criminal laws.
Terms & Definitions
Terms and Definitions:
Term: |
Definition: |
Bid | A competitive offer received from a seller or vendor. |
Bidding | The process of soliciting prices and any other considerations for goods and services from qualified vendors. The solicitation of prices from more than one vendor constitutes competitive bidding. Bids may be solicited in an informal manner by telephone, facsimile, internet, mail, or through a formal sealed bid process. |
Buyer | Person who performs the purchasing. |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure |
Commodities | Supplies, materials, equipment, furniture, contractual services, and any other goods required by the University. |
Contract | Legal agreement between Trinity University and a vendor or supplier |
Emergency | An unexpected situation or sudden occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action, otherwise, it would endanger life, property or adversely affect essential University operations. |
Invoice | An itemized bill for goods purchased or services contracted, containing individual prices, the total charge and payment terms. |
OPEX | Operating Expenditure |
Packing or Delivery Slip | Proof of delivery from vendor |
Performance Specification |
Purchase |
Acquiring a commodity in exchange of money or other valuable consideration. The basic types of purchases that can be made may include but are not limited to:
Purchase Order | Form, generated by the Procurement unit that documents the purchase agreement or contract. |
Quotation | An official document received from vendors that includes prices, availability of requested goods, payment, and delivery terms. |
Requestor or Requesting Party | Person that is requesting the contracting or purchase of a commodity |
Request for Proposal RFP |
An invitation to bid, a solicitation, made often through a bidding process, by the Procurement Unit to potential (qualified) suppliers to submit business proposals |
Risk Management |
Risk management refers to the forecasting and evaluation of financial, legal, and other negative factors that together could harm your business while identifying potential solutions or procedures to avoid or minimize their impact. |
Security and Risk Assessment |
A Security and Risk assessment or risk review will help the team evaluate the potential risks that could arise from using a product or service from a specific company. It is a crucial process to the ongoing monitoring and due diligence processes. The risk assessments will give you a better understanding of each vendor and their potential vendor risk to the university. |
Service Organization Control (SOC) Reports |
In addition to SSAE 16, three new reports have also been established as the framework for examining controls at a service organization, aptly named Service Organization Control (SOC) reports.
Software as a Service or SaaS |
Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management. SaaS applications are sometimes called Web-based software, on-demand software, or hosted software. Whatever the name, SaaS applications run on a SaaS provider’s servers. The provider manages access to the application, including security, availability, and performance. |
Specification |
A concise statement explaining the type of product or service, the quality level, special requirements in design, performance, delivery, and usage. Specifications must not be restrictive (locking in a specific vendor and limiting competition) or be vague (allowing a vendor to provide a lower than acceptable quality level product or service). |
SSAE 16 |
In April 2010, the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) announced the replacement of SAS 70 by a new and refined auditing standard, the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements or SSAE 16. While SAS 70 was originally intended for financial and accounting auditing, the SSAE 16 audit was established to verify data center operational and security excellence. |
Vendor | Any supplier who has business with Trinity University. |

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Revision History Log:
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v2.0 | 4/27/2022 11:29 AM | Ben Lim |
v1.0 | 2/7/2022 2:25 PM | Dan Carson |
Vice President Approval:
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Title: |
Ben Lim | Chief Information Officer |