General Description
Policy Summary:
Policy Content
The Business Office cannot re-budget any money between accounts, even within the same department. If a budget revision is necessary, the department head should submit a Budget Adjustment Form through regular reporting channels to the Business Office. The Business Office will not process any transaction until the Budget Adjustment Form has been completed and authorized.
The previous months information should be available by the 4th business day of the following month, then the monthly Departmental Budget Reports can be printed by the individual departments. All departments will be notified by email when the previous month is closed and they should not reconcile from any other reports until then.
Following are two sample reports, with an explanation of the information contained in the reports. See "Expenditure Object Codes" for a list of the expense object codes used by University departments.
A2. Fiscal year (June 1 through May 31)
A3. General ledger account number (14 digits)
Funding source: Digits 1-2
Department: Digits 3-9
Object Code: Digits 10-14
Object Codes
10000-19999 Assets
20000-29999 Liabilities
30000-39999 Fund Balances
40000-49999 Revenues
50000-89999 Supplies/Expenses
90000 Transfers
A4. Department (account) name
A5. Prior activity total: For revenues, expenses and transfers, this is the opening balance for the fiscal year, which is usually zero.
A6. Debits: Actual items charged to the account
A7. Credits: Refunds or Corrections to actual charges
A8. Date on which the transaction is entered into the system
A9. Source Code:
BU Budget transfer
CR Cash Receipt
EP Encumbrance
JE Journal Entry
PJ Accounts Payable voucher
PR Payroll transaction
A10. Reference number: Datatel system-generated number associated with the source code that identifies each transaction
A11. Transaction description: Type of journal entry, or name of individual or vendor
A12. Month totals: Sum of activity for the current month
A13. Closing balance: Ending incurred expenses, matching the actual balance on the Budget to Actual report
B2. Fiscal year (June 1 through May 31)
B3. General ledger account number (14 digits)
Department: Digits 3-4
Object Code: Digits 10-14
Object Codes:
10000-19999 Assets
20000-29999 Liabilities
30000-39999 Fund balances
40000-49999 Revenues
50000-89999 Supplies/Expenses
90000 Transfers
B4. Department (account) name
B5. Allocated budget: Budget approved at the beginning of the fiscal year, as modified by budget transfers or budget revisions
B6. Actual revenues/expenses: This does not include encumbrances such as unpaid department purchase orders.
B7. Percent used: Percent of expenses incurred to the annual budget year-to-date. This should be about 8.33% per month if expenses are proportional throughout the year.
B8. Available: Unexpended balance (allocated budget less actual revenue/expenses)
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 7/25/2019 8:25 AM | Holly Warfel |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |