General Description
Policy Summary:
Trinity University values student self-care as reflected in this policy.
In instances where students are exhibiting dangerous behaviors that could result in self-harm (balcony climbing, reckless driving, etc,) this policy may be applied in considering whether or not the behavior is in violation of standards of conduct.
All current students.
No exclusions.
Policy Content
Students are expected to respect themselves by avoiding conduct that is potentially dangerous and detrimental to their physical, psychological, or emotional well-being.
Terms & Definitions
Terms and Definitions:
Term: |
Definition: |
Values Based policy |
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 7/16/2019 8:48 AM | David Tuttle |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Sheryl Tynes | Vice President for Student Life |