General Description
Policy Summary:
Administrative and department heads are responsible for ensuring the proper use, security, maintenance and disposition of all property assigned to their departments, and the must comply with the following procedures. Terminating or retiring administrative or department heads will be required to confirm their inventory before leaving Trinity University. Likewise, new incoming administrative or department heads will be required to confirm the inventory for which they will be responsible.
Policy Content
Individuals using personally owned property for University business on campus are responsible for marking the equipment appropriately so as to avoid its being inventoried as University property. The University can provide insurance protection against loss on personally owned electronic equipment when proper written notification is submitted to the Risk Manager through the respective supervisor of the individual using the equipment.
To utilize University Property effectively, departments are encouraged to call the Purchasing Office, ext. 8228, to inquire about existing equipment available to departments.
Excess property in serviceable condition is placed in storage until needed by another department, and unless it is reissued within six months, it will be sold at a fair market vale.
All sale of equipment must be approved by vice president to whom the department reports to insure that the equipment is appropriate for sale.
All proceeds will be deposited into a special account at the vice president’s level for distribution back to any department reporting to that vice president. Funds will be distributed based on written proposals submitted by the department to the vice president.
All proposals will be approved by both the vice president and the President.
Sales tax will be collected on all sales made except to not-for-profit organizations or tax-exempt businesses, in which case a tax-exempt number or certificate must be obtained.
Insurance coverage is not provided against loss of University-owned and grant property removed from the premises (except for official business use); therefore, faculty or staff members will be held financially and personally responsible for its protection and safe return. A certificate of insurance of personal coverage will also be required. If a loss occurs, the incident must be reported immediately to the city police. Copies of the case report must be forwarded to the Risk Manager in the Office of Finance & Administration, and also to the Inventory Coordinator.
For property items that have a high probability of loss (i.e., computers, typewriters, etc.), extra security precautions should be taken.
In the case of loss, the Trinity University Police Department (TUPD) should be notified immediately. The Inventory Coordinator will remove a missing asset from the inventory upon receipt of an Equipment Transaction Form and an incident report submitted by TUPD.
Property shall be requested, processed, maintained and disposed of in the same manner as University-owned property, except as outlined herein.
When a new faculty member brings to Trinity University property purchased with grant or contract funds from his or her previous institution, a memo listing such equipment must be submitted to the Inventory Coordinator and to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. If the faculty member is bringing more than one item, he or she will need to list the items on a Purchase Order & Inventory Supplemental Form These items will be assigned asset numbers and will be included in the inventory.
If a principal investigator transfers from Trinity University to another institution and wishes to transfer grant-funded property, he or she must have written approval from the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Inventory Coordinator must be notified if approved.
Several factors should be taken into consideration when deciding whether to allow such a transfer:
- Who has title to the equipment?
- Is the property so specialized that it has limited use in other research projects at Trinity University?
- Is the property in excess of the needs of the University?
The individual names and social security numbers should be forwarded to the Purchasing Office no later than January 15th of each year.
Certain obligations and restrictions must be adhered to in participating with the agency.
- Surplus inventory must be obtained only for bona fide University use.
- Property acquired must be placed in use within one year and used for one year after being placed in use.
- It is the period of use within one year and used for one year after being placed in use.
- It is the period of use, rather that the period of possession, that determines when surplus property may be disposed of without specific written authorization.
- Written authorization from the agency is required to cannibalize or alter surplus property for any legitimate use.
Each administrative and department head is responsible for taking the physical inventory of property assigned to the department. Departments will receive on copy of the property control report to be returned to the Inventory Coordinator after completion. The report will reflect only capitalized property.
All exceptions or corrections to the report shall be duly noted, signed and returned to the Inventory Coordinator. Copies of DEPARTMENT PURCHASE ORDERS for equipment not listed should be attached to the report.
Following the annual inventory, the Internal Auditor and/or the Inventory Coordinator will perform separate, random audits.
Terms & Definitions
Terms and Definitions:
Term: |
Definition: |
Movable Property | Any item of equipment, furniture, apparatus, machinery or other item not attached to or made a part of the building structure. |
Fixed Property | Any item of equipment, furniture, apparatus, or other item that is attached and not easily removed, or is made a part of the building structure. |
Acquisition Value | (a) The invoice price of an item, less discounts, plus freight and installation charges; (b) The certified appraised value or a statement from the vendor. When no appraisal certificate or statement is available, the acquisition value is $1. |
Capitalized Property | Fixed or moveable property with an acquisition value more than $5000.00 and a useful life of over two years. |
Non-Capitalized Property | Fixed or movable property with an acquisition value of $5000.00 or less and/or a useful life of less than two years. Non-capitalized property is not recorded by Inventory Control. |
Expendable Property | Property made of glass, having a value of less than $5000.00 and a useful life of less than two years. Expendable property is classified as supplies. |
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Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 8/9/2019 7:54 AM | Holly Warfel |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |