General Description
Policy Summary:
Policy Content
Cleary Act Compliance Training: All advisers are deemed Campus Security Authorities. The Cleary Act Training complies with Trinity University requirements and is sent via email every spring by the Trinity University Police Department.
Student Involvement Risk Management Training: Risk Management Training is in compliance with the Texas Education Code 51.9361 and House Bill 1138. All student organization presidents, risk management chairs, and student organization advisers are required to complete this training. Training is provided by Student Involvement. Advisers are required to complete this training every two years.
Trinity University Risk Management "Title IX and Campus SaVE for Employees" Training: This training is required every two years, but if there is a break in service it is reassigned even if it was taken the previous year. Training is facilitated via email by Human Resources.
Alumni fraternity and sorority advisers who are NOT Trinity University employees must also complete the Fraternity & Sorority Alumni Adviser List for University Liability Coverage form. (Contact Student Involvement staff for a link to the form.)
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 7/11/2019 5:56 PM | Katharine Martin |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Sheryl Tynes | Vice President for Student Life |