General Description
Policy Content
Please be aware that the only types of servers that are allowed on the TUNetwork are web servers. P2P programs that allow others to connect to your machine are acting as file servers, and are therefore not allowed. If you use file sharing on the TUNetwork, Trinity University, as your Internet Service Provider (or ISP), is obligated to forward you any copyright complaints we receive about your activity on your computer.
The ability to discover other peers
The ability to query other peers
The ability to share content with other peers
Because these programs attempt to discover and query other peers, they generate network traffic which is sometimes interpreted as hostile. When another network administrator sees this type of traffic targeted towards their networks, it can be misinterpreted as a probe for vulnerabilities or an attack.
Many files being shared on peer-to-peer networks are distributed without the permission of the person or company who owns the copyright on that work. Downloading, or making available for download, these copyrighted works can be a violation of federal law. Many copyright owners monitor P2P networks to find infringers, and large industry organizations have stated that they will file lawsuits against individual sharers. If you are sued, the damages can be significant—in the thousands of dollars.
Finally, TUNetwork policy states:
The Network is to be used in accordance with Trinity University’s academic mission by enhancing the educational experience and value for those who study and work at the university. The network is not available for unrestricted use for any other purpose.
Due to potential competing enterprise services, Trinity University does not allow network users to run SMTP or DHCP servers on the wired or wireless networks.
Registration of a domain to a Trinity University IP address is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, direct DNS resolution and DNS aliasing.
In tests done by IT staff at another institution, one song was downloaded and within half an hour, three people had connected to the machine to upload that same file. So, that one 5MB download quickly became 20MB. At the same rate, that one song would result in 720MB of outbound file transfers in one day. Multiply this by more than 2000 TigerNet connections and an even larger number of office connections, and you will begin to understand our concern. This means that our network would be used to serve others outside of the university to the detriment of our own users here at Trinity. After all, the primary purpose for our network is to assist in academic research and to provide facilities for the Trinity community.
Some of these programs allow remote control of your computer, either as part of their design or by allowing new ways for your computer to be compromised. This is significant because if this were to happen and your computer were then used to attack another institution or corporation, there would be serious security and legal consequences. Your machine would also then be vulnerable to catching a virus and then potentially spreading it to others.
These programs do a lot more than you might be aware of. Some can automatically upgrade themselves. This would be a huge problem if the request for the upgrade were redirected to another site that would install a program such as a Trojan horse. KaZaA, for example, has the ability to create a separate P2P network without your knowledge through additional software that is installed when you load its software. c|net wrote about this "stealth network" in an article published in 2002. This "stealth network" would then have the ability to use University resources and run distributed computing applications over this new network—all without your knowledge or consent. To add insult to injury, this network could then be used to distribute and store advertisements on local machines.
Infringement Notice - Gaming
Infringement Notice - Music
Infringement Notice - Movie
At Trinity, we review our policies and standards on a regular basis to evaluate their currency and relevancy. We have specific policies in place regarding the use of the TUNetwork. These policies are available on this website and already cover most issues brought up by peer-to-peer applications. Other schools choose to handle this issue in various ways. Many schools are evaluating their policies to address peer-to-peer application usage specifically. Some have installed software that blocks all peer-to-peer transactions from the network. Many others operate as we do, with a tiered set of consequences for repeat violations.
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v1.0 | 8/14/2019 1:40 PM | Courtney Cunningham |
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |