General Description
Policy Summary:
Policy Content
1. Accomplish the goal of increasing financial support for Trinity University through the appropriate assistance of donors;
2. Allow staff members to respond to donor initiatives quickly and with certainty;
3. Establish administrative processes to accept and administer gifts in a prudent and efficient manner, with fiduciary responsibilities of fundamental importance;
4. Comply with applicable federal and state law;
5. Comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Service and related regulations;
(a) For gifts and pledges to name a facility or program, a Trinity University approved gift agreement, which includes defined pledge payment terms, must be in place;
(b) The pledge payment duration for either endowed or non-endowed gifts shall not exceed five years. However, with the written approval of the Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development and Vice President for Finance and Administration, the pledge payment terms may be extended to longer than five years under special circumstance. Uncompleted (‘past due’) pledge payments extending two years beyond the duration of the terms of a pledge will be written-off and cancelled from Trinity’s accounts
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 8/16/2019 10:42 AM | Betty Ullrich |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
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Title: |
Michael Bacon | Vice President for Alumni Relations & Development |