General Description
Policy Summary:
Policy Content
1. Students requesting alternative formats must register with SAS by following the appropriate procedures.
2. Students are required to provide SAS with appropriate documentation validating the request for materials in alternative formats.
4. Students must complete and submit the Alternative Text Request Form through the appropriate procedures.
8. Students should notify Student Accessibility Services immediately if there are any changes in the status of a request, class schedules, course requirements, alternative format needs, or if some or all the readings for a course are no longer needed or if the course is dropped.
1. Student Accessibility Services will verify that a student who requests alternative formats is registered with SAS and eligible to receive this accommodation.
2. Student Accessibility Services is responsible for acquiring or create an alternative format of the text(s) requested by any means necessary.
6. Student Accessibility Services will collect all materials on loan to the student by the last day of finals in the semester, if necessary.
Terms & Definitions
Terms and Definitions:
Term: |
Definition: |
Alternative Format | An alternative format is an altered course material, like a textbook, article, or worksheet, that has been designed to be accessible by a screen or document reader and contains features and attributes that make it universally easier to consume. Some of the steps taken to convert something to an alternative format can include enabling Object & Character Recognition (OCR), adding text descriptions to pictures and graphs, and including easily-identifiable headings and subheadings. |
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 8/1/2019 8:18 PM | Katharine Martin |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Sheryl Tynes | Vice President for Student Life |