Policy Content
The University policy is to maintain salary schedules for all classifications; to attempt to provide uniform treatment of comparable positions and of individuals performing substantially the same or similar duties; to afford opportunity for recognition to the individual requirements of the employee; and to take full account of the pay practices applicable to comparable positions at similar institutions in the local area.
A compensation plan providing a salary and wage range including a minimum and maximum for each classification will be maintained. It is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources to recommend changes in the compensation plan to ensure that the requirements of Federal and State laws pertaining to compensation are met. The Director of Human Resources shall recommend to the Vice-President for Finance and Administration such changes in the compensation plan.
The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for verifying that the salary of each employee is within the salary scale or compensation policy for the appropriate job classification, and is equitable in comparison to other employees in positions within the same classification.
Change to Lower Grade – The rate of pay of an employee changed to lower grade, will be reduced by calculating the midpoint between the employee’s current salary and the minimum of the new position. If the employee’s salary is above the maximum of the pay grade, merit increases will be frozen until the annual compensation is within the appropriate grade.
Biweekly earnings of non-exempt classified employees will be paid every other Friday. Biweekly pay will be computed for any period in which there is no overtime by multiplying the hourly base rate of pay by the total numbers of hours worked.
Overtime Payment – See University policy on overtime (see Section 8).
Temporary Pay Differential – An employee may be asked to fill in temporarily for a period of time for another position.
A compensation plan providing a salary and wage range including a minimum and maximum for each classification will be maintained. It is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources to recommend changes in the compensation plan to ensure that the requirements of Federal and State laws pertaining to compensation are met. The Director of Human Resources shall recommend to the Vice-President for Finance and Administration such changes in the compensation plan.
The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for verifying that the salary of each employee is within the salary scale or compensation policy for the appropriate job classification, and is equitable in comparison to other employees in positions within the same classification.
- New employees will be assigned the minimum salary for the corresponding classification.
- Annual salary adjustments within the existing range may be made based on merit and are dependent upon the availability of funds.
- Each Director (or equivalent) shall be responsible for verifying to his/her Vice-President that any increases which have been recommended are justifiable according to the performance of the employee and are equitable in comparison to increases within the same department.
- If the existing rate of pay is less than the minimum rate established for the classification of the new position, his/her rate of pay will be increased to the minimum for the classification of the new position or to his/her existing salary plus 5%, whichever is greater.
- If the existing rate of pay is within the range of pay established for the classification of the new position, he/she may be granted an increase of 5%, provided the increase does not exceed the maximum rate of the new classification.
- Vacation leave and sick leave accruals will be transferred with the promoted employee.
Change to Lower Grade – The rate of pay of an employee changed to lower grade, will be reduced by calculating the midpoint between the employee’s current salary and the minimum of the new position. If the employee’s salary is above the maximum of the pay grade, merit increases will be frozen until the annual compensation is within the appropriate grade.
Biweekly earnings of non-exempt classified employees will be paid every other Friday. Biweekly pay will be computed for any period in which there is no overtime by multiplying the hourly base rate of pay by the total numbers of hours worked.
Overtime Payment – See University policy on overtime (see Section 8).
Temporary Pay Differential – An employee may be asked to fill in temporarily for a period of time for another position.
- When a staff job vacancy or staff absence lasting more than 31 consecutive calendar days occurs in an office/department, the supervisor of that area may request that the staff members who are required to perform the duties of the vacant position/absent staff member receive temporary pay differential for a limited period of time, not to exceed 10% of each staff member’s regular salary.
- Written requests for temporary pay differential must be submitted to the Vice President of the area and must include the following: (1) Brief details regarding the reason for the request. (2) Outline of specific duties assigned to specific staff members. (3) Suggested amount of pay differential for each staff member not to exceed 10% of the staff member’s current salary. (4) Anticipated length of time of temporary pay differential. (5) Availability of funding or need for additional funding.
- If the Vice President endorses the request, that request will be forwarded to Human Resources or to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for final approval, as follows: (1) No additional funding needed: Human Resources. (2) Additional funding needed: Vice President for Finance and Administration.
- If final approval is received, the temporary pay differential may take effect on the 1st day of the job vacancy or staff absence and will continue until (1) the first day of the new staff member’s employment with the University; (2) the first day of the absent staff member’s return to work; or (3) a maximum period of six months – whichever event occurs first.
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v1.0 | 8/15/2019 6:19 PM | Kelleebeth Cantu |
Vice President Approval:
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |