Policy Content
Administrative and supervisory personnel are responsible for the incorporation of security principles and procedures in their respective areas of operation.
Each member of the faculty, staff and student body is responsible for carrying out campus regulations, procedures and practices and shall comply with federal, state and local laws related to security matters while on the campus or in the course of representing or conducting University activities.
In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Trinity University annually publishes a campus security report, which includes security policies and campus crime statistics. The current report is available from the Office of the Director of University Police, Trinity University.
Trinity University views the safety and welfare of employees, students and visitors as integral to carrying out the educational mission of the institution. The University will comply with federal, state and local safety regulations and will develop documented comprehensive plans, regulations, procedures and programs to ensure the continuing safety of the University community.
Administrative and supervisory personnel are responsible for incorporating safety principles and procedures into their employee orientation programs. Each member of the faculty, staff and student body is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to prevent accidents.
Each member of the faculty, staff and student body is responsible for carrying out campus regulations, procedures and practices and shall comply with federal, state and local laws related to security matters while on the campus or in the course of representing or conducting University activities.
In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, Trinity University annually publishes a campus security report, which includes security policies and campus crime statistics. The current report is available from the Office of the Director of University Police, Trinity University.
Trinity University views the safety and welfare of employees, students and visitors as integral to carrying out the educational mission of the institution. The University will comply with federal, state and local safety regulations and will develop documented comprehensive plans, regulations, procedures and programs to ensure the continuing safety of the University community.
Administrative and supervisory personnel are responsible for incorporating safety principles and procedures into their employee orientation programs. Each member of the faculty, staff and student body is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to prevent accidents.
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v1.0 | 8/16/2019 8:17 AM | Kelleebeth Cantu |
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |