Policy Content
A. The naming of buildings, additions to buildings, units of a complex, and large exterior spaces, whether or not in response to specific gifts, requires action by the President of the University and the Vice President for Alumni Relations & Development and final approval by the Trinity University Board of Trustees.
B. The naming of interior and exterior spaces in honor of individuals but not in response to specific gifts requires action by the President of the University and the Vice President for Alumni Relations & Development and the final approval of the Trinity University Board of Trustees. Examples of this include honoring faculty and staff upon retirement or death.
C. Interior and small exterior spaces for which funds have been received may, with the approval of the President, be named in honor of the donor or as requested by the donor without action by the Trinity University Board of Trustees. Actions without formal Trustee approval must be verified by the Office of the President.
D. Naming of buildings and spaces at Trinity University shall follow the Facility Identification Nomenclature Guidelines.
1. Generally, when the naming opportunity concerns a new building or renovation of an existing building, a donor will be required to provide a gift supporting a substantial portion of the funds needed to complete the project. Appropriate naming opportunities and naming gift thresholds will be established and documented in a funding plan for each project, and will involve Vice President of Alumni Relations & Development and the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
2. If donated funds are for new construction or renovation/refurbishment, they will be directed to the actual cost. If, however, the donated funds are to establish naming for an existing building or space, their specific designation will be determined by the President. These funds will typically support the unit or department supported by the building or space.
3. Naming of a building or an area requires a completed Gift Agreement and full receipt of cash or assets that can be converted to cash immediately. Buildings will not be named in honor of a donor in return for an estate commitment.
1. Two options are: a) In most cases, naming will go into effect only after the pledge is fulfilled and the required total amount has been received by Trinity; or b) In some cases and subject to approval by the President, Board & Vice President for Alumni Relations & Development, naming will go into effect immediately with a clear and documented understanding that the naming will be altered or removed if the full pledge is not paid in a mutually agreed upon timeframe.
2. If the pledge is not fulfilled, but the naming has been authorized by the Board of Trustees, then this change must be reported to the Board of Trustees—through the appropriate committee—so that it can be reflected in the official minutes. If only partial funding is received that is less than the required naming threshold, yet sufficient for an alternative naming opportunity, the above procedures will govern any renegotiation.
C. Permanence of Naming
The naming of Physical Space (buildings, facilities and grounds, or portions thereof) is intended to be in place for the life of the specific physical space. If, in the determination of the Board of Trustees, circumstances change so that the purpose for which the physical space was established is significantly altered or if the physical space is no longer needed or suitable for institutional needs, the Board of Trustees, in consultation with appropriate academic and/or administrative leadership and the donor(s), if possible, will determine an appropriate way to recognize the donor’s naming gift in perpetuity. If the University and the donor(s) previously established a Gift Agreement that provides a practicable course of action, then that action shall be followed.
D. Potential Donors for Whom Naming Opportunities May Not be Considered
At all times, Trinity University will consider the potential ramifications to the University of a donor and his/her gift. If, after consideration of a potential naming gift, the Trustees or President determine that a gift, or a relationship with a particular donor, could be damaging to the University, its mission and values or its students, the University retains the right to decline either the gift or the naming opportunity related to that gift.
E. De-naming / Renaming of Facilities
The President of the University reserves the right to make the final determination of whether a facility or program may be de-named or renamed. If the name of a building or school is involved, the President will recommend a course of action to the Board of Trustees, who will make the final determination.
1. in the event of any default in payment of the gift or
2. in the unlikely event the Board determines in its reasonable and good faith opinion that circumstances have changed such that the Naming chosen by the donor would adversely impact the reputation, image, mission or integrity of the University. Any naming of physical space may not compromise the public trust or give the appearance of compromising the public trust. Furthermore, the name must reflect positively on Trinity and must avoid a conflict of interest or the perception of same with the purpose or mission of the institution. The University reserves the right to remove any name should the name come into disrepute at the University or in the general community. The President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, is responsible for making name removal decisions based on individual gift and naming circumstances. Upon such determination, the University shall have no further obligation or liability to the donor and shall not be required to return any portion of the gift already paid.
G. Time-Limited Sponsorship Opportunities
Naming opportunities offered to a donor for a specified time period (as opposed to a permanent naming opportunity) are generally associated with corporate sponsorships, and may be available at the discretion of the President.
They will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, using prevailing sponsorship guidelines and keyed to the value of the sponsorship both to the donor and to the University and its programs. Recognition for corporate partnerships will be limited to designated facilities. All signage created and erected by the University must adhere to current University standards as to signage, and must be approved in advance by the President.
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v1.0 | 8/16/2019 12:24 PM | Betty Ullrich |
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Michael Bacon | Vice President for Alumni Relations & Development |