General Description
Policy Content
Main Campus & City Vista
Residents may post and display items (except neon lights) on the outside of room/unit doors, areas immediately adjacent to room doors, inside room/unit windows, and on the inside of sliding glass doors. Where applicable, all items posted on residence hall room doors/unit doors must be affixed to the black door placard; items may not be posted to painted doors.
- Items displayed on painted interior walls (rooms/units or hallways/corridors) must be posted using painters tape, small nails, or thumbtacks. The use of command strips or other potentially damaging adhesives on painted walls is strictly prohibited.
- Items posted on interior brick walls must be posted using painters tape or command strips.
- Use of other fasteners such as anchors, glue, or those that would otherwise damage walls are prohibited
- All items hung on walls by residents (e.g. thumbtacks, nails, painters tape, command strips on brick) must be fully removed by the resident before they check out of their residence hall room/unit.
Since these are communal areas, considerate judgment, sensitivity to others, and adherence to the University's Anti-Harassment and Respect for Community policies should be considered in the selection of displayed materials. Residents are encouraged to directly inform their Resident Assistant or the Residential Life office if they find posted items to be offensive. All posted materials should be kept neat and in accordance with the Solicitation and Promotion policy.
Residents will be asked to remove items that are weathered, tattered, or sloppily displayed. The Residential Life staff reserves the right to remove items that are aesthetically unacceptable or in violation of any University policy. Residents are responsible for damage and cleaning charges that result from any items posted or displayed in or around their own rooms.
The full Solicitation and Promotion Policy can be found here.
Residential Life staff facilitates posting on residence hall bulletin boards and maintains discretion over what is posted and for how long. Deliver 80 copies to the Witt Center seven (7) or more days in advance of the event or process start date.
Welcome signs may remain posted for the two weeks following the official date of residence hall opening. Greek-issued signs posted during new member orientation may remain within a time period determined between the Student Involvement office and Residential Life office.
Door-to-door solicitation and promotion are prohibited in the residence halls. Requests for exceptions should be made to the Director of Residential Life. Stake signs and other forms of promotion signage must receive advanced written approval and arranged with the Student Involvement office.
Chalking on campus pedestrian walkways to promote University-related events and activities is permitted on areas of the campus commonly known as, "lower campus," including the stairs from lower campus to the Coates Student Center. Chalking for any other purpose, in any other location, and/or on any campus structure, wall or other vertical surface is strictly prohibited.
Marker lettering and painted lettering, including spray paint, water-based paint, and shoe polish, on any campus grounds or facility is prohibited.
Performance Evaluation
Consequences of Policy Violation:
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.1 | 4/17/2020 10:57 AM | Stephanie Ackerman |
v1.0 | 7/19/2019 7:57 PM | Katharine Martin |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
Name: |
Title: |
Sheryl Tynes | Vice President for Student Life |