General Description
Policy Content
- Inspection and audit records
- Accident investigation records
- Safety procedures and practices from departments
- Training Records
- Records concerning safety procedures and regulation developed by Environmental Health & Safety
- Workplace Chemical lists
- Hazardous materials inventories
- University MSDS records
- University Personnel Safety Records
- Identification of a Chemical Hygiene Officer
- Development of a Chemical Hygienic Plan
- U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator registry # (EPA) TXD 9808-10881, Texas Department of Health (TDH) registry #69129
- Industrial Alcohol Use Permit #A-3241-01
- Texas Department of Health Radioactive Material License #L01668, Amendment #12
- Drug License - Biology Department DEA PEO217097, DPS 60049876 and DEA PEO126068, DPS JOO40282
- Animal Welfare Assurance #A-3241-01
- Texas Department of Agriculture applicator's license #N-4099
- City of San Antonio Swimming Pool License #3443
- Food Service
- Health Department Certificates
- City of San Antonio Food Establishment License
- Central Injury Reports by Category
- Injury/Illness Reports
- Each department, in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety shall incorporate Environmental Health and Safety principles in their employee orientation program.
- The Office of Human Resources shall orient new employees concerning working conditions and general safety policies in effect on the Trinity University campus.
- Environmental Health and Safety will orient new employees during their six-month probationary period on procedures for reporting emergencies, accidents and injuries.
- Department supervisors will orient new employees regarding site-specific safety practices. Supervisors are to advise those employees exposed to hazardous materials of their rights under the Texas and OSHA Hazardous Communication Standards.
- The department supervisor will provide written guidelines that the employee is to follow.
- The department supervisor will advise employees of the location of MSDS’s relevant to an employee's work area.
- The department supervisor will complete a New Employee Orientation Checklist.
At the start of each school year, Residential Life staff, in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety, shall advise residents:
- about University safety policies;
- of specific Residential Life safety rules;
- on occupancy safety policies and rules; and
- on procedures for reporting emergencies, accidents and injuries.
- safety practices and procedures to be followed in classroom areas;
- course requirements in respect to compliance with safety policies and rules; and
- procedures for reporting emergencies, accidents and injuries.
Student employees shall receive a brief orientation in the Office of Human Resources regarding general University safety practices and procedures prior to reporting to their work unit.
Department supervisors will orient employees regarding site-specific safety practices
Departments are to train employees each time a new hazard is introduced into a work area. This training is to be documented.
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
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Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 8/12/2019 11:19 AM | Jennifer Gilmore Adamo |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |