Policy Content
Using peer to peer (P2P) file sharing applications to illegally share copyrighted music and movies is the #1 way students violate federal copyright law. Students, faculty and staff are all obligated to comply with federal law and University policy regarding acceptable use of information technology and copyright. The University cannot protect you against allegations of copyright infringement.
First, you will receive a "Take Down Notice" via email requesting that the file sharing program(s) as well as the shared music, film, television and/or game files be removed from your server. You also will communicate with Trinity's Copyright Officer (Jason Hardin, Library) who will provide you with additional educational support.
If you receive a second "Take Down Notice" you will be required to pay a $20 fee to have a Resident Computer Consultant (RCC) confirm the removal of the file sharing program(s) and file(s). In addition, you will be required to take a $35 online course called "Cyber Citizenship 100."
Failure to complete these sanctions or subsequent violations will result in referral to the Conduct Board.
If you need help removing file sharing software or have questions about P2P file sharing please call the Helpdesk at 210-999-7409 or send e-mail to helpdesk@trinity.edu.
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
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Date: |
Recorded By: |
v1.0 | 8/14/2019 1:36 PM | Courtney Cunningham |
Vice President Approval:
Enter Vice President(s) that are responsible for approving this document
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |