Policy Content
1. The pledge must be in written form, signed by the donor (physically or electronically) and include, at a minimum, the total dollar amount of the pledge, the payment terms (amount and timing of payments) and a statement regarding restriction on the use of funds. In the absence of explicit donor restriction the pledge will be considered unrestricted in its use in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
2. The pledge must be unconditional or, in the case of a conditional pledge, the likelihood of failing to fulfill the condition must be considered remote. An unconditional pledge is a pledge whereby the receipt of the funds by the University is not dependent upon a future and uncertain event. In contrast, a conditional pledge is not an enforceable promise to give unless a specified future and uncertain event occurs. The most common form of conditional pledge is a matching pledge, whereby a promise to give depends upon a certain dollar amount of other gifts or pledges being raised. A conditional pledge may be counted for project funding once the likelihood of failure to meet the condition is considered “remote”, as defined in GAAP (remote is generally considered to be less than 5% chance of occurrence).
3. The pledge term generally will not exceed five years from the date of the pledge. The maximum term should be adjusted for each project based on the nature of the project and its budget size. Smaller projects, for example, might be more appropriately limited to a three-year maximum term.
4. An oral pledge is considered to be an intention to give, rather than a promise to give, and is thus not considered a pledge for this purpose and will not be counted for project funding.
Borrowing from an existing quasi-endowment fund
Borrowing from the University’s operating pool
Issuing commercial paper
Issuance of tax exempt bonds
Private placement notes
Commercial bank financing
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v1.0 | 11/16/2020 7:26 AM | Holly Warfel |
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Gary Logan | Vice President for Finance & Administration |