Policy Content
The Board of Trustees (hereafter “Board”), through its bylaws and consistent with its legal duties, have designated the President as the chief executive officer of Trinity University. The Board sets the University’s overall direction and strategy, while the President is responsible for effectuating that strategy and carrying out the day-to-day operations of the University.
As the chief executive officer of the University, the President has general direction, control, and supervision over the operations of the University. Unless otherwise restricted by the Board, the President, in turn, may delegate certain authority to the officers and employees of the university. Among other things, the President is responsible for:
The President and the individual’s delegated responsibility by the President shall carry out all duties and responsibilities in accordance with the limitations set forth in the Board Charter, Bylaws, Charters of the Standing Committees, policies of the Board, and the law. It is generally recognized that the President will delegate operational
As the chief executive officer of the University, the President has general direction, control, and supervision over the operations of the University. Unless otherwise restricted by the Board, the President, in turn, may delegate certain authority to the officers and employees of the university. Among other things, the President is responsible for:
- Ensuring the University’s activities are in furtherance of its mission.
- Leading, managing, and developing faculty and staff.
- Developing, implementing, monitoring, and assessing the University’s programs and activities.
- Managing the University’s capital and operating budgets, as approved by the board.
- Developing and implementing operational policies and procedures consistent with the Board’s directives, policies, and governing documents.
- Ensuring effective internal and external communications about the organization and its mission, priorities, importance, programs, and activities.
- Championing the organization and advocating its mission to internal and external stakeholders.
- Keeping informed and the organization’s leadership informed of significant developments and changes in the internal and external environment
- Leading the organization’s planning processes.
- Controlling institutional fundraising activities, in a manner consistent with Board policy, to support institutional priorities and initiatives.
- Assessing and managing risk, including through sound risk management practice, and ensuring legal compliance.
The President and the individual’s delegated responsibility by the President shall carry out all duties and responsibilities in accordance with the limitations set forth in the Board Charter, Bylaws, Charters of the Standing Committees, policies of the Board, and the law. It is generally recognized that the President will delegate operational
authority to the following administrators for matters within their area of responsibility:
Position | Area of Responsibility |
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs | Responsible for the academic and co-curricular operations of the University. |
Vice President for Administration and Finance | Responsible for the administration of the University’s financial operations and most campus support services. |
Vice President for Student Affairs | Responsible for the non-academic activities, support, and welfare of the University’s students. |
Vice President for Strategic Communications and Marketing | Responsible for overall communications, research-based messaging, marketing, and branding activity for the University. |
Vice President for Enrollment Management | Responsible for the recruitment, admission, and retention of students at the University, as well as Athletics. |
Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development | Responsible for fund raising, stewardship activities, and alumni relations. |
Vice President for People, Culture, and Community | Responsible for establishing and overseeing global strategic initiatives to establish intentional inclusion as a core value throughout all aspects of the University community. |
General Counsel | Responsible for the legal compliance of the University, advising University officers on a wide range of issues across the institution. |
Chief of Staff | Responsible for the management of the President's Office and monitoring execution of the University's strategic plan. |
Delegations of authority by the President, such as authority to execute contracts on behalf of the University and authority to take personnel action, shall be documented.
Further, the President has the duty to keep the Board of Trustees informed of matters of significance and to bring all matters upon which the Board has authority to the Board for action. The Board retains exclusive accountability for its role and responsibilities, including for matters for which it has delegated authority, as required by law.
The Board of Trustees is committed to the principles of shared governance and recognizes the value of shared responsibility and providing stakeholders an opportunity to give input on University policy and operations that affect them. All shared governance activity is subject to the responsibility and authority of the Board and the President.
The active participation of faculty, staff, and students is, and will continue to be, crucial to the decision-making process at the University. Consultation with
The active participation of faculty, staff, and students is, and will continue to be, crucial to the decision-making process at the University. Consultation with
stakeholders by administration may take many forms and may involve many different members of the University community, depending upon the issue. However, the primary governance bodies with whom administration will routinely consult include the Faculty Senate, Trinity Staff Engagement Council (TSEC), Student Government Association, and Graduate Student Association. Shared governance is also effectuated through the work of University, administrative, and ad hoc committees.
In a system of shared governance, respect for the diversity of opinion is of the utmost importance. The Board, administrators, faculty, staff and students will not always be of one voice on matters of policy and practice, and dissent from the majority view must be respected by all involved. Indeed, diversity of thought and ideas is what makes the University and its decisions stronger.
Shared governance decision-making reflects a range of collaborative activity, from early-stage discussion, to joint decision making, and/or follow-up reporting. While consensus among those involved in a decision may not always be reached, reasonable effort should be made to reach a common position through consultation and the perspectives of stakeholders should be given serious consideration. Ultimately, the Board and/or the President have the responsibility and authority to make the final decision on all matters and policies and to take such action as is deemed by the decision maker to be in the best interests of the University.
Revision Management
Revision History Log:
Revision #: |
Date: |
Recorded By: |
v2.0 | 12/7/2023 9:28 AM | Pamela Mota |
v1.0 | 8/9/2019 11:14 AM | Rachel Rolf |
Vice President Approval:
Name: |
Title: |
Claire Smith | Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees |